
Decision Wizard

A decision-making web app to help guide farmers in their on-farm decision-making and to build knowledge about how those decisions are made.
Project complete

In Partnership With:

Federation University Australia

Decision Wizard

The Challenge:

Farmers have well-developed decision-making skills, having to make on-farm decisions based on multiple factors every day. Making a less than optimal decision, however, can be damaging to a farm business.

There are many factors that influence operational decisions made on the farm and how a farmer may come to make a particular decision. What if we could analyse that information to not only make a good decision but the right decision?

The Solution:

This Food Agility project in collaboration with Federation University, Marcus Oldham College and Southern Farming Systems has developed a decision-making web app to help guide farmers in their on-farm decision-making, while also building knowledge about how those decisions are made.

The Federation University project team used a decision matrix framework developed by researchers at Marcus Oldham College to create a web app for farmers that helps guide them through critical on-farm decisions.

This decision-making tool can be used when there are several alternatives and factors to consider, by creating a preferred option based on a series of questions that are answered. The tool aims to make complex decisions easier by leveraging data to augment on-farm experience and knowledge.


The Decision Wizard is now live! Try it out:

Final report

Download the final report (PDF)

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