
Food Agility brokers, designs and manages large-scale, complex and high impact innovation initiatives for the Australian agrifood sector.

about food agility consultancy

who we are

FAC is a commercial consulting firm of Food Agility CRC. We already innovate within the agribusiness ecosystem and with our combined resources have the ability to leverage research, agritech methodologies, data and analytics intelligence to execute large-scale agribusiness initiatives.

We have a strong track record, with a $430m+ portfolio and a network of 80+ project partners that span the agrifood, technology, research and government sectors.

With expertise in cost-effective project management, climate reporting in the agrifood sector, and traceability and compliance AI,  FAC is focused on positive commercial outcomes and practical implementation.

What we bring

  • Strategic advice
  • Securing funding and partnerships
  • Asset management and training
  • Agribusiness specialist teams
  • Positioned for scalability
  • Agile delivery
  • Industry wide connection

  • Focus on commercial outcomes
  • Practical Implementation
Our Partners

Richard Norton

Managing Director

meet the team

our partners

Our Partners

Food Agility has a network of 80+ partners spanning the agrifood, technology, government and research sectors, including Mars, Kellogg's, AACo, Coles, Woolworths, Telstra, Yamaha Motor and Bosch, as well as eight leading Australian universities. We can connect you with the right investors and the best researchers to deliver your innovation program.

Strategic Partner

Strategic Partner

Agrifood businesses

Agrifood businesses

New data-driven technology to increase profits and improve sustainability.

Technology companies

Technology companies

Connection to the most innovative agrifood businesses and researchers to develop new digital products for a rapidly growing market.



New digital technologies and services to support effective regulation, help ensure food safety, promote the Australian brand and inform evidence-based policy.



High impact research with commercial application, surrounded by other recognised researchers, technologists and industry leaders. Streamlined funding processes.
View a list of our partners

Our promise

To our research partners

Everything we do is focussed on creating maximum industry impact. We will connect you with the right team with the right experience and capabilities and solve your challenges by creating new digital services. We will also build your capacity to meet future challenges by sharing new research and development methods.

To our agrifood industry and technology partners

Everything we do is focussed on creating maximum industry impact. We will connect you with the right team with the right experience and capabilities and solve your challenges by creating new digital services. We will also build your capacity to meet future challenges by sharing new research and development methods.

To consumers

Everything we do is focussed on creating maximum industry impact. We will connect you with the right team with the right experience and capabilities and solve your challenges by creating new digital services. We will also build your capacity to meet future challenges by sharing new research and development methods.

To our team

We are committed to creating a respectful, diverse and inspiring workplace. We practice what we preach, harnessing digital services and agile innovation methods to continuously improve what we do. Whether you are focussed on corporate development or applied research, we work together to achieve a shared purpose.

Current initiatives