Smart Farming

Food Agility is a leader in Smart Farming practices in Australia. We helped set up the Global Digital Farm in Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia's first automated and digitally enabled commercial farm.

About Smart Farming

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What is a Smart Farm?

A Smart Farm is owned or affiliated with an accredited education, extension, or outreach provider such as a technical college or university, registered producer group, or industry research group.

Each Smart Farm is engaged in the commercial scale production of a recognised agrifood product and is available as a landscape laboratory for the ideation, calibration or validation of new knowledge and emerging technologies.

It is committed to providing high-quality, verifiable data supporting the eventual adoption of the technologies evaluated on-farm.

A Smart Farm also facilitates teaching, learning and research opportunities that contribute to the development of a skilled workforce.

Through a physical and virtual hub, a Smart Farm can incorporate:

  • A control centre, bringing together real-time data from across the farm.
  • Interactive technology demonstrations and testing, where industry can develop and showcase the latest innovations.
  • Extended reality hub to visualise and experiment using augmented and virtual reality.
  • A technical lab, to unravel complex interactions between plants, soil and water.
  • An innovation centre, with facilities to foster collaboration.
  • A training facility, where seeing is learning and doing is knowing.

Learn more about Smart Farming or to find one near you, visit the Global Smart Farm Network.

The Global Digital Farm

Australia's first automated and digitally enabled commercial farm demonstrates the future of farming through technology and data innovations.

In collaboration with Charles Sturt University, Food Agility has transformed the Global Digital Farm (GDF) into one of Australia's leading 'landscape laboratories' for cutting-edge research and innovation.

Spread over 2,000ha in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, the GDF is an integrated digital learning, innovation and research environment working within a full-scale, commercial, mixed farming operation.

By incorporating digital technology to help farmers make the right decisions at the right time, the GDF is changing modern farming practices.

This is about more than just automation. It also includes static and mobile sensing technologies, telecommunications innovations and data-fuelled insights and decision making - everything that influences the how, when and where of day-to-day decision making.

Watch the video below to learn more about the GDF.

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