
ESG Credentials for Australian Pork

Measuring, managing, and communicating Environmental, Social and Governance to differentiate the Australian pork industry in global markets.
Project complete

In Partnership With:

Beanstalk AgTech
Craig Mostyn & Co
Curtin University of Technology
Pork Innovation WA
WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Xsights Digital

ESG Credentials for Australian Pork

The Challenge:

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) metrics are becoming increasingly important in meeting the expectations of financiers, regulators and customers.

To maintain market access and potentially capture premium prices, pork producers need to be able to measure, manage, validate and communicate their ESG performance.

This can be hampered by difficulty in understanding which metrics to track, inefficient manual data collection, alack of transparency and difficulties in communicating ESG progress.


The Solution:

This project will build an Australian industry first digital sustainability platform for ESG reporting in pork production.

A suite of digital dashboards will provide producers with information on animal health and welfare, allowing them to improve production output and enable the measurement of ESG progress being achieved.

Key metrics in Australian pork’s ESG performance will also be benchmarked against global standards to develop a roadmap to differentiate our product and achieve greater market access and premium prices.

The opportunities for reducing the carbon footprint of pork production will be explored focusing on reducing emissions on-farm rather than offsetting by purchasing carbon credits.


  • Digital tools and dashboards to measure, manage and allow better communication of ESG progress.
  • Greater understanding on how Australian pork is performing against global ESG standards.
  • Roadmap for differentiation of Australian pork industry in global markets via ESG measurement, management and communication.

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